Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lady Marmalade

Ive been away from this blog for a long time, ive written several notes i would love to post but each one is unfinished at this point. Something happened last week that ive got to put out there.

I was manning the suya stand at a soccer tournament, a girl ordered suya with lots of pepper. As she walked away the wind picked up and blew pepper into her eyes. She shrieked and screamed from the agonizing pain that ensued. I grabbed some water, washed my hands and proceeded to help wash her eyes out. She refused, the girl was in tears, I could tell it hurt like a bitch. I tried to convince her my intentions were just to help, I then gave her the bottle to do it herself...

"It’ll ruin my mascara"


"It’ll ruin my mascara" she said again both times cringing from the pain

What the hell?.....

I couldn’t believe it, what could possibly be worth the potential damage to her eyes?.... perhaps a park full of muscle bound soccer players?
Now that’s just my opinion but ive had this pepper in my eyes before and it’s no walk in the park to deal with the pain.

So I ask, what is the primary motive for girls who take their looks very seriously. Im talking hair, the short-short skirt, the push-up bra, eyeliner, lipstick, taking 30 minutes to decide between the G-string and thong (they are both very small and send the same message). Im not talking of the boob-job liposuction botox obsession here, just the everyday peripherals that gets chucked onto your amazing body (yes it is!)

Ill be asking some friends for detailed answers, not for trivial stuff like "attract boys" or "turn heads". There has to be a common factor that leads to this behavior. Ill return shortly with some replies and then a single theory that explains every answer.

And what do guys truly think of all the effort that goes into these details?


Mamarita said...

A woman's look decides how she is to be treated in "society". Some people are naturally extremely feminine, they wake up take a shower with whatever soap they find, use store brand lotion and lipgloss and go their merry way and the world thinks they are so sexy, clear the roads for them, open doors and the whole nine yards.
And others just take that extra step to soak in the tub for an hour, exfoliate their lips and face in the morning, change their nail color daily, get fake lashes, choose tomorrow's outfit for over 3 hours the night before. When they leave their house, they are telling the world "LOOK AT ME, I SPENT TIME TO GET THIS WAY" and society does as they please....

In the end, the work that goes into the look is an expression of the individual's desires.....

(its about time we got an update from you!)

Andrea said...

I remember dis story,... yeah some people are crazy.....